QUATERNARY WEAPON SYSTEM Activated Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion


The best way to understand why the coronavirus pandemic exploded worldwide in the very same year that the military deployment of 5G was greatly advanced in China, Italy, South Korea, United States and other IT-savvy nations is to view them both as a binary weapon system, which is then coordinated with vaccine programs and chemtrail operations to function as a quaternary weapon system.

Only when viewed through the “quaternary weapon system” lens can the apocalyptic events of 2020 be properly comprehended and successfully responded to.

5G & COVID-19

The following personal testimony is presented in order to gain crucial insight into what is really going on wherever a coronavirus cluster mushrooms out of nowhere right in the middle of a 5G-intensive region.

The excerpt below offers some critical perspective on how the direct relationship between the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak and the accelerated 5G roll-out which took place in Hubei Province during 2019. By the way, why was that deployment of 5G in Wuhan so speeded up just before the coronavirus outbreak the December?