Deep Down the Virus Rabbit Hole – Question Everything


Watch out! The killer virus is coming!

Well … maybe not. Behind any pandemic, there are always a long set of assumptions that underpin the medical reports and subsequent political and legal decisions. These assumptions are barely recognizable since they are routinely reported as facts. However, to truly justify everything that’s happening all over the world right now – social distancing, surveillance, censorship, lockdowns, quarantine, medical martial law, economic crashes, new digital currencies, governmental emergency powers – with mandatory vaccinations and human microchipping slated to come – those in charge at the Department of Propaganda have to convince you that those assumptions are facts. So, we’re going to take a journey down the rabbit hole to ask some fundamental questions not only about the coronavirus but also the mysterious entity of the virus itself. What is a virus? Can a virus cross from animal to human? Can it cross from human to human? Did you know the CDC admitted that their beloved PCR test is essentially useless, as it doesn’t tell you whether a virus is causing disease? Is it 100% proven that viruses cause disease in humans anyway? How do the competing theories of germ theory and host theory/terrain theory play into this? So, buckle up, open your mind and get prepared for a ride.

What Is a Virus?

Mainstream Western Medicine (allopathy) developed due to the influence of the Rockefellers who created it to help sell their petroleum drugs which became the basis for today’s Big Pharma medicines. The Rockefellers and other NWO (New World Order) central banking bloodline families overtook the schools and curricula for Medicine, and shut down competition like homeopathy, via the Flexner Report. They made sure that allopathy would be purely focused on pharmaceuticals and blocked proper nutritional knowledge from doctors. This is the same mainstream medical system that sets the definitions for things like viruses, so let’s begin with a healthy dose of skepticism. This is also the same Rockefeller family that funded the UN (and donated land for its HQ in New York), whose Rockefeller Foundation has co-opted education and whose Rockefeller Foundation released a 2010 paper analyzing how governments could/should react to a pandemic scenario.

According to this mainstream scientific mindset, viruses are entities composed of DNA or RNA fragments (genetic material) and encased in a protein cover and/or lipid (fat) envelope. They are not technically alive, requiring a cell host to replicate. They are tiny – far tinier than a bacterium – and unlike a bacterium they are not a cell, so they don’t have a respiratory, circulatory or nervous system. The virus is said to be right on the border of the living and the non-living.